

Mission of the AMTA Arizona Chapter

AMTA Arizona Chapter is a supportive organization that provides members with opportunities and resources for professional growth. Professionalism is advanced through the promotion of professional standards, legislative advocacy, and public awareness.

The mission of the Arizona Chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association is to develop and advance the art, science and practice of massage therapy in a caring, professional and ethical manner in order to promote the health and welfare of humanity in Arizona.

Goals of the AMTA Arizona Chapter

  • To establish massage therapy as integral to the maintenance of good health
  • To increase public awareness of massage therapy and the profession
  • To promote high standards in providing massage therapy to the public
  • To increase access to quality massage therapy for all persons
  • To be an influential member of the health care community
  • To be a leader and a resource for issues in the field of massage therapy including definitions, practice and education standards, legislation and regulation
  • To enhance the professional development and personal growth of members
  • To continue the Arizona AMTA’s growth, development, organizational effectiveness and visibility In pursuit of the above goals, the Arizona Chapter of the AMTA will be guided by the values of care and competency.